Saturday I'd missed 5 popping SpongeBob toys being released from the cupcake-cake (with buttons) before arriving to take this pic. The homemade Buttercream frosting BBM made was truelly mouth-watering. She should be making a living being a theme party designer, we all think...
Little One "B" had quite a fun SpongeBob party with many good friends. He's appeared on ESR several times. (Same one at 3 months old
on the left in this old ESR pic) .
A big cheery SpongeBob pinata
full of goodies hung over the cake table.
BBM made the pineapple house
using an inverted bowl,
n painted SpongeBob's
face on yellow goody bags.

All the cool kids were there,
along with some new to the party scene ones.
The Hogs Wild blow-up game
was a fun present.

Everyone lined-up to plunder pinata booty
from a trap door in SpongeBob's butt

After all the goods were gathered,
I witnessed the rowdy crowd
mug n beat poor SpongeBob Pinata,
ripping him to pieces
while laughing with glee n running about-

Poor old SpongeBob!
But it all seemed so very funny...
Wow , I agree. She could be a pro party designer! And cake maven. What an awesome looking celebration. And cute cute kids.
At one time I totally overdosed on Sponge Bob. I still like to see new episodes.
now, gonna try tlo go back to sleep. :)
What a nice party! Love that ironic shot at the end with Sponge Bob in the garbage when it's all over...
Oh poor Sponge Bob. How could all his admirers be so cruel to him? Great looking fun party.
JanF, She's made some nifty cakes- even for weddings- Used to work at a market bakery years ago. She's good at those accesory ideas. Actually I've only seen one show! My cousin loved it with his kids tho-
Lynn, They all get along so well it's amazing! There were about 15 kids there. There was no hope of saving the pinata. J said he was going to sell the pieces on Ebay, "Only a dollar!"
Gran Annie, B prob thought he'd get to put it up in his room after until the older boys started to hack it to shreds. One of them definately may become a football star the way he led the aggressive play n running with the pieces-
Oh well, they did have fun.
Oh poor old Spongebob! I nearly bought a hip hop Spongebob t-shirt the other day, but thought I was perhaps a bit too old to carry it off. :D
The party looked like so much fun!
LLcoolJ, One of my Mom Day gifts was wrapped in SpongeBob paper! At least 5 year olds can get away with wearing the shirt!
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