Yep, another big snowstorm hit the Cape yesterday. Everytime I turned on the computer, the house power died just after start-up finished.
(The gazeebo up on the high bluff- Yes, these are color pics too)
I'd planned to post up all these newly processed pics, n wanted to hurry n upload, but never made it that far, start-up after start-up, like 10 times! ! I finally gave up resetting the monitor (unplug, replug) n the vcr (channel scan) every few minutes n just left them off. You would've seen these a day ago-
(View above is to the right from the bluff's edge of the front beach)

Yep, there's more snow now than shown here...
I'm so glad I didn't have to work during that nasty storm. I made it to work n back ok tonight. The main roads are good, but the side roads n the work parking lot were very icy. Walking was really skating!
(Standing in the same spot, panned left to the pier- Look at the sea ice between the Short Pier n the Beach)
(Taken on the pier)
(View left of main beach from the pier)
Looks like it'll be a long winter...
Is January done yet?
Wow they are beautiful shots though, but yeah the snow is depressing after awhile. I'm glad ours has all gone.
Stunning photos, Snaggle. The gazebo shot is just gorgeous! I guess that somehow find some beauty in the snow is a gift...and probably helps us maintain our sanity. :)
Please be careful on those slippery roads and walkways!
Hard to understand what you’re going through. It is 38* right now and will get up to 68* today. You can see green grass trying to grow up through the dead grass.
A couple more days and January will be done. Beautiful pics. I'm glad you were home safely.
Fantastic as always.
LLcoolJ, Thanks- Yours is all gone? That didn't take long- My yard's been snow n ice since the week before Xmas- a month now.
Talon, Thanks. I think those are the best of my walk that day, but there's more pretty stuff for later, too...
Roads ok so far, but 3 folks have fallen in the parking lot at work already- much ice!
Ellis, Lucky you seeing green stuff growing, n up to 68? I'd open my windows for that.
Lynn, Thanks- it actually snowed a little bit again tobight- just a slipperry dusting over the ice tho- n doing good so far.
G, ya mean snow- another 2 feet in CT right? Can't get you out of the snow bank this week again. The pic taking does motovate me to get out walking. Thanks
You take me somewhere DIFFERENT for sure. Lovely work
Aloha from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
Clouda, Thanks for your visit! Must seem like another planet to you! Thanks
Really nice photos even though I am sure you are sick of snow. Those of us who have had just a few short storms can really appreciate this beauty. Hope the power comes on to stay.
Dearest Snaggle,
I hereeby pronounce that January will be well and truly done this coming Monday!!
Amazingly gorgeous scenes, Snag. So peaceful looking.
Skate-walking can be fun. You got good sturdy boots?
Tabor, Welcome to ESR comments! Thanks. I think it's a challenge getting good snow pics. We've already had 42 inches this winter! The Cape used to have very mild winters- The power is good right now... n holding!
JanF, TG it's almost over! They are predicting another huge storm for GroundHog Day- how Ironic is that? I don't have boots, just heavy hiking shoes with double socks. n I only smashed my knee once this week.
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