Bird Cloud

In the chilly thralls of cold January in the North East USA, I find myself far more entertained with some of the past warm season's stashed archives than with current available material.
With the New Year going by, alot of mental reflection n assessment of life so far tends to take place. My brain waves tho, are lost in dreaming ahead to better times, n fantasy landscapes.

Without imag-
life gets very dull...
I agree, Snaggle. I love to let my imagination wander.
I agree, Snaggle. A great imagination is priceless...
Yes, indeed. Hey! G stole my word. :)
But, yes indeed. Mind trips are always availble. Little vacations. Or staycations if you're very present.
G, Thanks for posting all thoser summer pics btw-
Lynn, Thanks. I guess the brain has the best entertainment...
Talon, Thanks, now if I could just get paid more for it!
JanF, Don't know how I'd amuse myself with out it, n yours too!
Bird Cloud, Dreams Fly...
And yet you did well.
I thought you were rhyming at first.
Looking at the archives of your past
For in dreams, we find peace,
or fear, to torturous to face.
Ellis, thanks- I'd thought of a sidebar section listing good search phrases- but when I tried them the posts I'd thought would appear didn't! Like "poem"...
Not alot of time to perfect that idea!
I don't dwell on really depressing dreams here much!
Hey, a friend in need here now.
Because you are not so much of an email one, I leave this here, totally not related to this post...
I have somehow closed all tool bar windows in Paint Pro! how the heck do I get them back?? :)
Leaves sing.
Squirrels gossip.
Ladies comptemplate face washing.
JanF, oh no! Poor Jannie- lol! Good thing I've had that program so long, n have made the same mistake! Let me see...
top menu bar/view/toolbars (on bottom)
Check boxes to view all the pallettes n toolbars, which also drag around.
Good luck! Happy painting!
Ahhhhh, that was the ticket, whew.
THANKS, love you more than ever now!!!!
JanF, I'm glad it worked- sometimes they change the program a bit in later versions. There is too much to know in PaintShop Pro, I think! Darn! I'd just mis-keyed "Pain Shop Pro" again (it can be!)
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