Saturday, December 05, 2009

Awards n Awards

Humane Award

The Queen of Paradise Valley awarded me the Humane Award on November 15, because of the ESR post "Only Three." Thank you Paige, you are a illuminating beacon in Bloglandville, it's great to read PV-II.

I have searched Bloglandville High n Low, n decided to enrich the blogger, Bubbie, with the humane award for the post, "Ballad of Amanda n Max," and "Amanda n Max Part II" about showing compassion for a stray dog, Max, n his predispositions, n solving a problem without hurting him in any way.
Enjoy your award, dear Bubbie!



November 26th the exceptional writer n Mountaineer, Thomma Lyn, honored me with the Over The Top Award.
And along with the award come these questions, which must be answered with one word.

(I found that quite difficult at times)

1. Where is your mobile phone? gone
2. Your hair? banana
3. Your mother? speeches
4. Your father? "Whatever"
5. Your favorite food? Chinese
6. Your dream last night? places
7. Your favorite drink? Tea
8. Your dream/goal? rested
9. What room are you in? mine
10. Your hobby? bloggy
11. Your fear? injury
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? older
13. Where were you last night? work
14. Something that you aren’t? perfect
15. Muffins? free
16. Wish list item? sunshine
17. Where did you grow up? MetroWest
18. Last thing you did? cook
19. What are you wearing? flannel
20. Your TV? movies
21. Your Pets? purr
22. Friends? fun
23. Your life? amazing
24. Your mood? wondering
25. Missing Someone? many
26. Vehicle? LittlePU
27. Something you’re not wearing? heels
28. Your favorite store? Micheals
29. Your favorite colour? complimentaries
30. When was the last time you laughed? work
31. Last time you cried? funeral
32. One place that I go to over and over? harbor
33. Facebook? time?
34. Favorite place to eat? table

I’ll pass the award on to:
Who's blogging are all top-notch reads,
(Jannie was already awarded by Thomma Lyn,).
Pass on the award to worthy bloggers, when you have time, n if you want to do it.
Answering the questions is optional . Enjoy!
Wow- my head's getting big with all these accolades...
I'm proud of 5-year-old Bloggy ESR ...


At 9:46 PM, Blogger Bubbie said...

Bubbie loves you. Hope one day I can return the favor. If you ever have a problem (which in Bubbieland, we call opportunities), please write to

You're a very thoughtful person - and you made my weekend.

At 10:23 PM, Blogger G. B. Miller said...

Thanks for the award. I think I will do a little shuffling around of some upcoming posts and will squeeze it some time next week...

At 11:37 PM, Blogger TALON said...

Congrats on your awards, Snaggle. Both well deserved! I love your answer to #27 - I avoid them as much as possible myself - lol!

Thank you so much for the award, Snaggle!

At 12:30 AM, Blogger Cookie said...

Congrats on the awards! and thanks for passing one on to me :)
5 years?! Impressive!

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Bubbie, You are quite welcome. Thanks for sharing the story about Max at Dear Bubbie. I always appreciate real animal folks.

G, You deserve it, plus it's fun to do, n improvising can be good, too! (you're such a master planner at Cedar Mountain)

Talon, last time I wore heels (at a wedding) I had to wear an orthopedic shoe to recover for 6 months- n at work too!
You're welcome n deserve acclaim for Barely Scratching the Surface.

Cookie, The Cookie Jar is always very entertaining to read, n helps me remember what it was like when my kids were little, you're welcome! Yes your second son is about the same age as ESR!

At 7:22 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

Snaggle -

Congrats on your awards and thank you for passing one on to me. I will answer the questions shortly. :)

At 12:14 PM, Blogger LL Cool Joe said...

Hey thanks for the award! I've already won this one and answered the questions, so I won't bore everyone by doing it again, but I will do a link to the post and that gives me a chance to show off twice!! :D

Thanks for your kind words and the link too!

5 years?? That's a great achievement!

At 3:18 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Lynn, Thanks. You do a great 3 Good Things Job! It's amazing n you deserve the title.

LLcoolJ, Ah-ha- guess I haven't been reading your blog long enough to know that, or managed to miss the post! Well consider it a double recognition of your fine blogging. I appreciate the link.

At 12:33 PM, Blogger Rose DesRochers said...

Congrats on your award. Most deserving.


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