
Mother's Day
Jan was my Mom's name, n I've really been missin her lately. She braved having five more children after the first one didn't make it. She was an incredibly strong woman who was fiercely opinionated, n valued for it by many friends. Few dared go up against her in arguement. In my adult years after having my own children, I learned how amazing she really was. Especially after my dad died in the early '90's we enjoyed spending time together at every opportunity. She became a golden person to me, priceless...
Her last Mom's day was in the year 2000. She refused to have a 'puter in her house because she didn't want a "work device" in her home. (Problem-solving skills I possess), So for a combo-sib B-day / Mom's Day gift, I got her hooked-up with "Web-TV" n created her a web page n email, (paid for her subscription) so she could communicate with all her siblings n other family members while she was house-bound due to her chemo n radiation treatments.
The following is an excerp from her tribute web page, in which I later published "Jan's Kitchen Wall... a few things you could read there," because we all used to treasure reading the collection of accumulated plaques around her kitchen desk/phone nook. I decided to re-post the lines here for others to enjoy n remember. Most of the plaques were indeed, received by her on Mother's Day...
A mother has a special way
of bringing joy to every day,
of bringing laughter to your eyes
As childhood years fly quickly by-
A mother has a way it seems
of understanding hopes and dreams,
of knowing how and what to say
a mother has a special way.
Home is where parents and memories live
full of the love only families can give,
It's a place where you learn and a place where you play,
it's a cozy retreat on a cold winter's day.
It's warm and familiar yet always new
a place where there's always a welcome for you.
Home is where laughter and happiness grow
a place you'll remember wherever you go.
It is rooms filled with dreams
and bright moments to share,
it's people who listen and people who care
People who love, understand and forgive,
home is where parents and memories live.
What is a mother
by Katherine Nelson Davis
A mother is someone to shelter and guide us
to love whatever we do
with warm understanding and infinate patience
and wonderful gentleness, too.
How often a mother means swift reassurance
in soothing our childish fears,
how tenderly mothers watch over their children
and treasure them all through the years.
The heart of a mother is full of forgiveness for any mistake,
big or small and generous always in helping her family
whose needs she has placed above all.
A mother can utter a word of compassion
and make all our cares fall away
she can brighten a home with the sound of her laughter
and make life delightful and gay.
A mother possesses incredible wisdom
and wonderful insight and skill,
in each of our hearts is that one special corner
which only a mother can fill.
This term is reserved for the special relationship between an individual
and the female parent of his or her own parent. The name mother is derived
from the first century Anglo-Saxon word "moder,"
and grand refers to one worthy of respect.
Together they form the cherished word grandmother.
Happy Mother's Day, enjoy!
I like that idea od posting things in the's always such a warm, homey place where people gather that it seems fitting.
I send you hugs about your mom! :) Happy Mom's Day!
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lol, sorry, the darn thing posted three times :P
I agree with OILField... kitchens are so notorious for the "center" of the home. It's where everybody gathers, no matter what... making it the perfect place to read.
Hugs to you on this Mothers Day! I planted a small area in my garden just for you... and it has it's own gardian angel to watch over it.
OiLF, The Kitchen at the old house was special, so many memories.
Thanks! Hugs back
Hope your Mom had a good one, too!
N I thought I had a slew of comments! U Comment hoarder! j/k!
Ellen, I agree about kitchens, even my little one. It's silly how many times I read that nook wall, n never got sick of the stuff. I like to sit at my table by the window to read.
Hugs back. I wonder what's planted in that section for me, n hope it grows like wild!
BBM gave me a new baby plant today...
hey snaggletooth, what are you doing up so late?
I planted impatiens of different colors: red purple and white, and caladiums of red and green. They sit behind day lilies and are at my front door so I get to see them as I come up the steps. It's my "snaggle garden"... and I'm sure they'll flourish as long as the squirrels leave them alone. (I've been having a bit of trouble with them since Miss Kitty moved away.)
What a beautiful post Snags!! I hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day!! You definitely deserve it!
i miss nanny's kitchen. i always used to read and look at the things on the fridge. we don't really have anythng like that in our house.... yet! hope you get your package from me soon! i got your card today... the picture got me giggling! thanks!
Snag - Happy Mothers day!!!
Sounds like your mom had a heart of gold. She raised a great daughter.
Peace & Hugs,
- Neo
PS. Looks like Anglefire ate your photo's :(
Snag - Btw, how you making out with all that rain up there?
David, these days I don't get to sleep before 4 am, I work a late shift...
Ellen, Thanks for planting me impatiens. I had some red ones from a place near MB which lived a couple years. They really go to town blooming n are gorgeous plants. I haven't had Caladiums yet.
Jen, Thanks! my Mom's day was ok, visited with BBM n baby J. Just got another prez in snail-mail today (Mon). They know what I like, n no nagging required! Goodies to much too...
MB, me too, I spent so much time there. I got the package today, thanks! Glad ya enjoyed it!
Neo, Thanks! Sorry the pics didn't co-operate, maybe try again later? (or other browser) I know the webpage still comes up on my ie browser!?!? (They were just small, decorative puter paintings)
It's rained every day here, but we were spared the worst amounts. further North got 9+ inches, worst flooding in 70 years. We seem to've picked the best parts of the state to be in this week! we're all OK!
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