I saw them by a side plaza exit on my walk home. Trumpet vines like I had back at my previous village home.
Then I found something not seen all summer so far -honey bees! Tons of them! They must have traveled from the cranberry bogs behind the store.
Still there are none around my garden, about a half mile away.
Yep, that's what I wanted to put in the previous post.
Really, I hate pics in the middle here, n justified text is a sin for anyone with training in typography, but today that is all I can do on this little tablet, or wait even longer to post..
Only three failed attempts at getting the stuff here to behave. Maybe I can find time to edit, later.

Anyhow, my bee pics didn't come out well, so are not here. I am glad that there are still some honey makers in town.
There is still more that was intended for last week's post, but it will wait for better control over formatting... Sorry didn't have time to go comment , will get to it this week .
Any report of mass grouping of bees is great news. They are becoming so scarce we have to protect them. I have really thought about raising bees.
I love trumpet vines. My favorite printing customer had them around her doorway at her home (she has moved away.)
Yes - I love to see the bees, too. And what does a cranberry bog look like exactly? I've seen that Ocean Spray commercial with those guys standing in one that looks like a lake, but I didn't imagine there would be something like that behind a shop. Is it one on a smaller scale?
Gran Annie, if I weren't allergic to stings I probably would. They don't really frighten me anymore. It's good the bog owners always have them. Thanks
Lynn, Cranberry bogs are small land blocks of vines in sand, surrounded by water trenches, lower than surrounding land to flood for water picking, but some are dry-picked, raked into mower-type machines. They grow in a certain direction. If you bog walk you have to pick up your feet to not rip them out. After picking in the fall vines turn crimson. In winter they are flooded to protect next years buds from frost. There are many growers n many acres locally, alot behind the store there. 1 acre can bring in $1 Million per year with a good crop! It is alot of work tho.
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