
A couple of odd things happened recently, I'd never expect.
I hadn't sprayed anything there for insects or anything, n have plants to water there. But I hadn't seen it earlier due to a bin on a shelf infront of it. The mess on the glass kind of looked as if it were lumpy, clear bird poo, n ran all the way down to the windowsill. I got out some vinegar n paper towel to clean the sticky stuff, when it finally occurred to me what it was.

He asked me If I liked sports, n which sport the best, so I answered about Baseball n how good the Patriots have been recently. Then he asked me if I watched fighting, or wrestling, or was interested in martial arts with kick-boxing tournaments.
So I said I don't watch fighting much, n no, I don't have a favorite fighter.Then he asked who in my family I'd want to fight, older or younger, n would I want to hit them with their stomach open or closed, n just got my brain in a knot, not wanting to relay that I'd never do that n didn't want to talk about that.
Plus I had limited time left. So I stopped answering him, explained that I wanted to feed the gulls, n had just waited over a year to do this, excuse me please -
So I turned around, ignoring him, n started with the gulls n camera.
Monday my fortune cookie read :
"Financial hardship in your life is coming to an end"
So I laminated that little piece of paper using wide packing tape, n put it up where I have to see n read it often. The best fortune ever!
That could have been a scary incident with the kid. Hopefully someone is responsible for him and was watching. I am so happy for your fortune. Hope it is a true one.
I hope you stay vigilant and always stay aware of your soroundings. Please promise me you'll do that, OK?
I like your fortune cookie, but they're not always reliable. Just keep your eyes open.
I can"t believe that old anti-uSA women spam bot it still showing up here!
Gran Annie, luckily he wasn't trying to kickbox with me. I would've had to beat his butt. I'm stronger than I look! He did seem to be on his own. "My days of financial hardship are over" is my new mantra..?
Cube, I could have handled him, I think. Don't worry. I'm always vigilant but friendly here. We are a tourist town. I do prefer to be by myself on the beach. I also want the universe to hear that fortune n get it for me!
An unsettling conversation with the young man, for sure. I think you handled it exactly right.
I hope your fortune comes true! You reminded me that I had a fortune cookie in my purse, left over from picking up take out yesterday, "You have a charming way with words and should write a book."
Fun with forsythia! And your walk on the beach makes me homesick.
Lynn, I guess the guy didn't know it would be inappropriate to talk to strangers about who they want to beat up... I hope so too! I bet any book you would write would be humorous n uplifting, n I would read it!
Colleen, I did weird things with forsythia last spring also. It had a hedge with a green, chain link fence. I got a bad headache breathing there. There is no other great feeling like being at the oceanside, I'm hooked on it n don't want to move away! I only moved across town n I miss it too! You need a beach vaca!
That conversation with the guy on the beach would have unsettled me too, very strange. Sounds like you handled him well.
I hope your fortune comes true!!
LLcoolJ, it was a bit sad he was used to getting brushed off tho- Thanks, it would be so much easier!
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