Nickle n Dime
Back when I was a little girl I remember going to the local "5 n Dime" store with a nickle where I could always find these little, ceramic, figurines. Some were animals, or fish, or odd items.

Yesterday, I had to refill my Tea Jar n Raw sugar supplies. I laughed to see this unexpected, tiny, one-inch tall, ceramic, White House!

What timing this week after that big presidential speech too. I try to keep most of my political beefs off ESR, but because this one struck me funny, here it is!

Of course it's been made a bit different in color n repeatedly reflected for appreciation purposes for presentation here...

Next I'd like to find the Space Shuttle one...

Even Legos came out with a "Women of NASA" series this week on the news.

I made it through Star Trek VI in the movie series this week. About to go through the Next Generation films next.

How small would the president have to be to fit in this scale...?
I really learned something here. I did not know those figurines were in the Rose Tea which I have sometimes seen. I would like to see untouched photos of some of your favorites.
Tabor, in my room I have 2 orange seahorses in front of a small mirror on my desk lamp base, too dusty at this time. Most of the rest are in storage across town somewhere. I liked the ark animals best, like the rhino, zebras, geese, bunnies I had on the kitchen shelf at the old house, n 2 containers full off others. My old cam stunk at macro pics so not many of those. Some where on ESR are some mermaids on the windowsill planters. I liked the nautical ones out too. I have some around n will clean them up for pics sometime. Most of the plants they were in are done, planters stored away. That will take awhile, storage will wait until I move.
Seahorses here
Mermaid n gull here
Searching the ESR bar at the top gets a few put in " windowsill"
That's so neat that those figurines are in a box of tea - better than Cracker Jacks! I've never heard of that kind.
My greatest memories of my childhood come from visiting the 5 & Dime with my grandmother. I too collected miniatures and wish often that I still had them.
I have memories of the 5 & 10 myself. I grew up in NYC and I used to get little toys from the vending machines. My friends and I used to trade them.
I didn't know about the Red Rose Tea miniatures. I love tea so I'm definitely going to buy some the next time I go to the supermarket.
Lynn, cracker Jax used to be fun surprises too! Maybe it's a regional brand? I've been drinking it for decades. No heartburn issues either. Lipton always gets me.
Annie, yep the old trinkets have a way of disappearing when we grow. At least you don't have to pay storage to keep them! I have a bunch of broken ceramic horses too.
Cube, that's a childhood experience our generation can't give to the kids. Now there's DollarTree. You may get hooked on that tea, n the miniatures. Hope you can find some around there, it's not too expensive like celestial seasonings is. Good n smooth. I don't wake up without it.
My sons English grandparents only drank Red Rose Tea. I only remember the little toys in cereal boxes and cracker jax, which I didn't like except for the toys. Your kaleidoscope art knocks me out!
My favorite tea is Earl Grey, but I will look into Red Rose Tea for the miniatures. How different can it be?
Colleen, yep, red rose replaced Salada for me ages ago. Glad you enjoy my pic addiction. It all started so long ago...
Cube, I think it is a smoother flavor. Happy Tea Time!
I look forward to expanding my tea palate. Thanks for the info.
cube, no problem
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