Yep, no party for me, I had to work New Year's Eve. Six Days-in-a-row due to last week's different days off schedule.
I did at least stop working for a minute at midnight to text "Happy New Year" to a few folks. Usually I can't get ahold of anyone that late because they're all sleeping... A few even texted back- but I had to keep working n phones aren't allowed on the production floor.
I celebrated today by sleeping late, n making Ghirardelli double chocolate brownies for a treat. They came out great- I'm waiting on errands another day.
I've decided I could never do my boss' job this week. All the local employers are laying off holiday help left n right before the New Year for the lowest business season here. Some PT folks were laid off until springtime at my job, n hours were all cut back a few for everyone. The atmosphere at work has been very oppressive all week.
A large snowstorm is forecast for Thursday n Friday here, so I'm betting there may be more missed hours as management rushes out orders for earlier delivery to go around it. If it's as bad as the news said, I might not go in for Friday. I'm in the 10 to 14 inches snow-zone it now says. Oy!
I'll just be really happy if the power stays on for the heat this time. Last year I went without heat two separate weeks, so I'm prepared n paranoid! The temps are diving to singles as this system exits. It'll make this December ice into a cake-walk...
I'm hoping the predictions are over-done. I'm due for a better year - We all are!
Brrr. That last photo looks cold. We will get the tale end of the storm you all are living with. I so hope you do not lose your power. Stay safe and warm!! EAt more brownies.
Tabor, We've been very polar lately! Yep, good brownies will keep me warm, along with 4 layers of clothes n bottles full of kettle water- I will- Thanks
Stay warm, Snaggle. Fabulous photos, as always. It's been bitterly cold here...but at least the trees are recovering from the ice storm.
Talon, Thanks. poor folks up this coast in Maine just got the power back from after that ice mess- You do polar air mass all the time there- don't know how you take the long cold, n yet vegetation recovers n thrives.
How kind of them to ax people right after xmas. smh
We're in the 20s today here in ATL, so I can only imagine how cold it must be there. Hope you are staying warm.
Neo, Happens here in summer economy off-season each year without fail- why no one scoffs at a FT Year-round job. What they do top get out of paying more in unemployment Insurance because of the laws. Heartless
Lynn, I heard Atlanta was shut down today! Hope your fireplace is keeping you warm. We're in the teens today- Windchill -2. Lots of new ice! Walking is getting pretty chilly- Thanks
I remember you without heat last year and I don't know how you survived that! I hope it doesn't happen again. Happy New Year to you!
LLcoolJ, I learned we are capable of surviving alot of punishment last year! Hot water from the gas stove downstairs was key-
Now folks down south are dealing without heat in their homes too- Thanks for the New Years' wish!
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