..When I was out on the cloud excursion the other day, fate seemed to be smiling on me...
.It became easily noticeable when I changed the colors.
(The little clouds formed a smiley face over the sea gull- actual photo- not drawn in!)
Sometimes you cross your fingers, look to the skies, n luck points you which way to go...
(This arrow was taken off the deck before heading out to the pier, n points to the pier!)
Then in a blink of an eye the shapes shift in the wind, n are forever gone...
(until the photos are uploaded at the end of the day.)..Sometimes you're unaware of what you have until you take your time re-inspecting them closely later on...
Wow - it was exactly like a smiley face! I love beautiful cloud formations.
that is so cool. i noticed the smiley before the color change. God is awesome and there ARE signs everywhere
thanks so much for sharing this today
How neat is that! I love watching the sky - so many interesting things happening there :)
you made my cousins look great!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
Note: I wanted to make some comments yesterday, but blogger suddenly stopped loading those pages.. or perhaps google, or my browser- I did read some blogs n couldn't comment!
Lynn, When I finally noticed I smiled too!
Paige, Glad you could share in my amazement. Your welcome.
Talon, The day after I saw Carmi's cloud post, all those magically showed up as I walked with Digicam. I do enjoy partly cloudy. Thanks
Cloudia, thanks, aren't clouds just great sometimes?
Aha, the shapes in the sky. The arrow was a lovely catch. Growing up I would sit at the window and pass hours after school, imagining shapes in the skies as the monsoon clouds began rolling in from the West.
one tiem i seed a cloude wot looked liek too karrits dansing. and anudder tiem i seed a cloude wot lked liek my mummy's cabbidge kake. and one tiem a ternip. cludes iz grate!!
loves, me
blue bunny
Oh, that smiley is so cool, as is the arrow.
But you know what I noticed and liked most?? The yin-yang formation of sea and sand. That S'curve. Lovely!!
xxooo etc.
Snag - Looks like he/she's tongue is sticking out of the one corner of their mouth! hehehehehe
AnilP, Monsoons mean you're in the Mediterranean ocean area- aha, Bombay! Welcome to ESR comments- Glad you enjoyed my cloud pics. I prefer natural subects.
BB, Clouds like to tease us, I think! I actually saw 2 cottontail bunnies on the lawn at work today- not clouds.
JanF, Aha, excellent observation- just needs the eye-dots. thanks
Neo, Oh yeah- I didn't see it that way until you mentioned it- thanks
Love the smiley face! Clouds are so fascinating I think. I often think it's God's way of sending us a little message.
LLcoolJ, Hmm, perhaps I need to smile more... eh? I don't usually n I've been really down about things lately too. At least the clouds are amusing-
Ha! Filling you up with lucky #13's!
The clouds told me to do it!
The evil clouds!
I said "Hey! Who put in all these new 13 comments?" After ESR loaded... It's that 13 trigger happy song writer Neo again- He has no fear... Laugh on...
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