Thursday, December 31, 2009

Fade '09

Photo by SnaggleTooth 2009 Add Image
As another year, (n a decade), sinks into the west, I bring you my fav photo of the year. Feels like I've been sitting on this cupcake forever, but actually just since that previously seen sunset at fav beach in October.
After leaving the beach lot that evening, I'd stopped at the nearby golf course for a minute to fidget with items on the seat. Looked out the window, n behold! Yet another sunset miracle- the silver lining! The sun was down, but the clouds held the gorgeous, eerie glow against the course vegetation. I associate this vision of wonder with African savanah scenes... n I can hear drums while looking at it.
Also, I'm reminded of the "Survivor" tv show, because yes, I've survived another year. I'm glad to still live in this non-city place near the Atlantic ocean where I want to be. It often feels like camping out here, too... Where every now n then I'm reminded of the most beautiful pieces of Creation helping me to find serenity n peace in my soul.
A fleeting moment (year, decade), to be remembered, n shared...


At 7:50 AM, Blogger Erica B said...

gorgeous. simply gorgeous mom! here's to hoping we are all better off next year!!

At 8:09 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

What a breathtakingly beautiful sky! Hey - that's your daughter up there!

I hope 2010 is your year, Snaggle.

At 8:11 AM, Blogger Jannie Funster said...

The last paragraph teared me up, that I have such a fine friend who delights in simplicity, a friend who sees and shares the beauty of the biggest little things in life.

Thank you for the gift of that sky. I hear dancing feet to those drums.

At 8:17 AM, Blogger Blue Bunny said...

I definite see karrit kolors in the skye. thanks yoo!

all verklemps heer.

Happy yeer , hoo whoo

At 12:12 PM, Blogger ... Paige said...

beautiful photo and post

At 6:35 PM, Blogger TALON said...

You could never grow tired of sites such as that! Stunning shot, Snaggle.

May you and your family have a peaceful, prosperous and beautiful new year, Snaggle.

At 7:15 PM, Blogger Thomma Lyn said...

What a gorgeous picture -- absolutely stunning. Happy New Year, Snaggle, and Happy New Decade! :)

At 10:06 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

MB, Salute (with green Tea, sent by Ellen)! Lets have enough time n money to visit more often-

Lynn, Glad you've enjoyed it. Yes, the younger one. Lets wish the year is kind to us...

JanF, Awww- it gets me emotional too, but I'm thinking alot lately of some who are departed, n also all the incorrect naysayers who told me long ago I'd have to move-
Praise the Creator for allowing me to record n relay such beauty.

BB, It looks like an ocean of carrot colors- you know where all the carrots have gone? (You ate 'em!) Happy New Ears to you too!

Paige, Thanks- Happy New Year!

Talon, No matter where you live, sights so special are rare- conditions having to be just so. I'd thought the sun was down, the show over- I was wrong, n so glad to've needed to pull over!

May your folks n furry folks have a happy n playful 2010!

ThommaLyn, I almost waited until Feb or so to post it- But what the heck- it fit my theme, as I "walk to the beat of a different drummer"-(Henry David Thoreau) N I knew you all could truelly appreciate this today.
Thanks, Have a fantastic New Year!

At 9:19 AM, Blogger Bubbie said...

Oh my gosh!!!!!! How beautiful!!!! I can't find the FOLLOW button on your blog and I want to be a follower!!!! What is wrong with ME that I can't find it. Can you direct me to it? I almost missed this wonderful post. I read about your love from three decades ago just now. Very poignant. Would love for you to blog about that. <3

At 11:24 AM, Blogger Blue Bunny said...

Yes, I did eet all the karrits, long time passing ago.

butt I haz plantid a gardin!! hoo woo

At 11:09 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Bubbie, Thanks. I'm sorry I don't have a follow button here. You'd have to type it in (copy paste url) on your "edit profile" blogger dash-board option page. Some folks have, so I know you can.
I can't upgrade my blog template for widgets n formatting without losing control over my cherished link list, so I choose not to. My code changes are made manually. ESR is made to be simple for fast loading on my slow connection.

BB, my turnips are still alive under the new snow, n plastic out on the deck.


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