Dis n Dat

Almost time to start taking foliage pics. The TV weather experts say the colors should be good this year. I've only driven by one turned sugar maple so far (below). The native Holly vines always turn red first here. This one is right across from my house.
On NECN news I saw a story that at Sesuit harbor in Dennis on the north side of the Cape facing Cape Cod Bay, there's a manatee swimming around! (see article, video) That's as unusual as the other tropical sea creatures out of place which I previously pondered on ESR.
There was a huge sea turtle in the news last year, n then there was a flock of about fifty poisonous Portugeuese Man-o-war (jellyfish like critters with long tentricles) in the waters of Buzzards Bay near southeastern MA. One, normal- fifty, unheard of... There've also recently been Great White Shark sightings around the Islands. These creatures normally stay in the southern USA waters, n the water here is cooling down drastically. The Striped bass n Blues run in with the cooler water. Authorities are planning a manatee rescue.

This is all further proof, in my opinion, of how messed up the ocean species lives are becoming, having to travel so far to find territory, n the food.
I just managed to cram six days of work hours into five days.
Day Off this week will be unconscious...
beautiful colors! i hope your rest is good rest.
I love those trees. And nice crunchy walks. Hot cocoa. (Makes me think of Charlie Brown's Halloween,)
Our fall is a little later than yours in coming.
I will say my prayers for the healing of the oceans. And all spirits.
Now to bed.
Xray, all rest is good rest unless you can't rest!
JanFun, Thanks- I had a good one last Oct at the "peep" post too, but that was on actual film. I just got the digicam in Dec '07.
Thanks for all prayers-
enjoy your rest
and the beautiful fall colors.
liked the manatee video, next we will have pilot whales in BIG Bear Lake, hehe.
its almost trout season here again, IF i have time to go chasing rainbows
The manatee is on a long trip to Floria,It,s so nice to see you hoomans doing nice thing's..(Wish there were more of them)
Hope you get a bunch of rest on your day off..
Lot's of licks... Buddy
David, lake whales beat 'Gators any day- They keep finding them up here in NE- (prob were pets). There is one species of sharks who live in rivers & lakes (in Spain I think) called the Yellow Shark.
Buddy, The Manatee didn't enjoy his ride much- I need to do too much to rest all day, darn it. I want to just sleep for a week!
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