Ides of Aug
" ... Bubble, bubble, boil n trouble, Fire burn n Cauldrin Bubble... "
Oh that's the witch's spell intro from Shakespeare's MacBeth.
Shakespeare reminds us to "Beware the Ides (15th) of March".
What about cookin in humid August, eh?

Polar Bear's appear repeatedly in my dreams. Some day I expect to find out some strange, grand, symbolic significance for this.
Today I'll just relay what happened this week, which was strange!
One morning, (Saturday, I believe), I was dreaming, when In the dream I saw a huge, polar bear near the new "Dummy Bridge" approach on the other side of the trees near my house. The area appeared lush n vivid green. The bear who had been facing the bridge-way looked up at me , turned n began coming toward me. I felt spooked as I was walking down the road next to the tree-line, realizing the polar bear was curious, about to come after, n probably attack me. (This feeling rarely happens with animals in my dreamscapes) Without a glance back, I ran back toward my house as fast as I could, when
"BrinngG! ... B-ring!" in real life my phone rang!
I suddenly woke up, jumped up n answered it. I thanked my daughter for calling n interrupting the bad dream I was having. Whew!
I was so off-center that day I was running late to leave for work. On my way out on the road I wanted to hurry.
Right at the dream bear's spot before the bridge, a maroon sedan skipped the stop-sign, n cut out in front of me moving at a slow pace, all the way up the road to the highway lights. The car slowed my trip way down, n I was having an impatient time,
... until I noticed the little Beanie-Baby polar bear staring at me out the back dash-board the whole way!
Hmmm... (How significant is that?)
Yup, just goes to show you that there are "signs" everywhere.
Were you a little freaked out, or did it make you laugh?
Ellen, When I saw that little white bear, I stopped trying to hurry, n immediately remembered the dream I'd had just that morning.
I did have a twylite Zone moment!
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