Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Snow Dreams

Photo by SnaggleTooth Jan 2012
If I hadn't been in such a hurry to get to work the other day, I could've had some better, nifty shots of the tall, fluffy snow. I didn't take the cam out there because shoveling to get out on the road was priority n was alot of work to do. The news said we got about a foot here. It was light-weight to shovel at least. The two bottom stairs were completely buried, so it was blown deeper than that out front.

This is a window shot of MapleBeard's branches with the boatramp beach way in the background, from my kitchen during the storm, (so was the pic in the previous post).

Here's my Day Off finally, but it's too late for snow pics now... The weather warmed up again with a heavy rain n thick foggy drizzle to ride home in, n so most of the snow is melted already! As I watch the early am Boston news, the Temp stamp is 52F on the bottom of the screen! Just crazy, roller-coaster January weather for this place!

I'll prob bemoan not getting those pics for awhile!

Image by SnaggleTooth Jan 2012 Been a wild football week for New Englanders with the Patriots beating the Ravens by default to get in the SuperBowl, just to face the Giants again! 2008 didn't go so well the last time, but reporters keep reminding us that alot of the players have changed. I'll bemoan having to work without TV, radio, or VCR during the SuperBowl too... Madonna has the half-time gig this year, should be a good show. But I'll prob miss the whole thing... Rats!

Well, at least the window pics aren't half bad...
Time for shower n sleep again-


At 11:30 AM, Blogger Granny Annie said...

Fluffy snow is my favorite. You transformed it into an exotic arch. You seem to be surrounded by frosty and fluffy these days.

At 10:09 PM, Blogger Cloudia said...

nice shots!

Warm Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral

> < } } ( ° >


At 11:17 PM, Blogger TALON said...

I love that type of snow - I wish we had some. What a gorgeous shot. MapleBeard suits his white suit, Snaggle :)

At 2:20 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Gran Annie, it was the lightest deep snow I've ever shoveled= Except for the denser Plow stuff. Then there's the grey low visabilty n puddles...

Cloudia, Thanks. Bet you're alot warmer there than our warm. Aloha!

Talon, I hope you get some fluffy stuff for Riley n Charlie to play in soon. Thanks. MapleBeard seems to get prettier every year-

At 6:04 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

The window pics are beautiful, I think.

At 10:45 AM, Blogger Jannie Funster said...

I missed the ball game too. Of course, I'm not really a watcher.

I LOVE the morph. A buddist monk in lotus way way in the distance through a bower of snow trees. Wonderful!

Enjoy your drizzle, if you can.


At 6:51 PM, Blogger LL Cool Joe said...

Wow that's a beautiful shot of the snow, I bet you did have a big job clearing that!

We still haven't had any snow here in the UK yet. It's still pretty mild here.

At 12:01 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Lynn, Thanks, it's been a no option to take alot of time week!

JanF, I usually only pay attn to play-offs n championship games.... Bad habit! It's the local team thing- I thought about the lotus pose also! zzz! Thanks

LLcoolJ, Over an hour of fast shoveling! The plow made a big pile at the end of the driveway! I remember seeing pics of sheep in the snow there- guess they like it? Still early, maybe you'll get some this year too! Thanks

At 3:14 PM, Blogger Neo said...

Snaggle - I like that first pict, I love the way snow sticks to stuff after it first comes down.

Btw, I'll be rooting for NE this Sunday. Can't stand the Giants!

Stay warm!

At 4:40 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Neo, Little Truck had a cool Snow-Do also- but had to hurry n didn't get a pic.
I want to stay home n watch the game Dag-Nabbit! The Giants got the Pats good last time- perhaps it's time for payback...

At 5:40 AM, Blogger Neo said...

I'm predicting a Pats blowout! Shame you can smuggle in a pocket radio or something to check the score.

At 3:13 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Neo, No music or ear-buds allowed! Have always taped it until this year, too- love the commercials!

At 4:56 PM, Blogger Neo said...

*shakes his head*

At 5:44 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Neo, yep used to have radios blasting in there, but they were outlawed after the fire a few years back. Never thought I'd miss that Cape Oldies station!

At 9:23 AM, Blogger Neo said...

Sounds like North Korea. Geez...

At 3:46 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Neo, Yes, n I am a slave with no other jobs to find nearby in the winter... Nevermind I get to hear co-workers singing songs off-key while I'm counting- yikes. Might as well bang bamboo shoots up my fingernails...


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