
Before December 2007 when Digi-Cam was aquired, I'd been using disposable, film cams. I was suddenly swept away into shooting seemingly endless digital experiments, n abandoned the unfinished disposables. I had several IP (in progress) at the time. One in the house, one in Little Truck, leftover exposures from an occassion, n thought I'd eventually get around to using all the pics up n develop them before they disintigrated.
Today I finally went digging in my Cam-basket (Thanks for those baskets, Ellen!) after the Digi's manual which I'd been meaning to read again for awhile. What do ya know, Voila! Another disposable with only a few exposures left!
Last year's one-bux Petunias have risen n bloomed this week, n I've been so click-starved it took no time to use up the 3 remaining negative slots. Last time I waited so long to develop film, the pics were all hazy-yellowed, but visible, somewhat.

A hassle-errand I haven't needed to do in ages-
Ok, one-hour-photo took two hours, then they forgot to do the CD, n I had to wait around a bit, but at least scored a discount.
The Petunia from today didn't come out well- a bit grainy on the old film. Pics taken in 2007 tho seemed to come out alright. I got the pier (top), clamming shots, the playgound, n Thanksgiving with folks in Western MA-

Worth the wait... n the discovery...
The mystery of finding out what is inside makes it all the more fun, sounds like. I have a couple of those myself - you inspire me to rustle them up and take them in...
wow.. the boys look so small. lol.. I miss finding those old rolls of film too
It's like finding lost treasure. I love the light in the shot of the pier and the kids are beautiful!
Well, this is weird, I have about 4 or 5 of those Kodak throw-away cameras, full but yet to develop. Some I may have had 3 or 4 years. You think they will still be good? They've been in the house (not a 110 degree car.)
Sweet kids. And not sure if that's you or your daughter with the little blondie.
Oh, I had a mystery roll in Bulgaria this week -- thought it might be have flax-seeds in but was told it was a kind of ground millet. Very tasty with dinner!
Lynn, Mystery is good motovation! Finding them in good condition is a challenge- One time I paid for a totally bad roll in my SLR days- when you had to hand-spool it.
MB, I knew you'd appreciate those- Got more from Aunt P's, too- Somewhere in my photos is a barely visible roll-prints of toddler BBM with her hair sticking up- waited 10 years for that one-woops!
Talon, It truelly is- I'm happy the boys were on it. Thankyou
JanF, Get those done, pronto! See Comment to MB about the barely visible roll-
As Long as mystery roll didn't have beetles! Camping must've been fun. I eat Flax-seed in my bread usually. Yummy stuff.
Glad to see you survived the trip.
Interstingly enough, in the photo you have the same hairstyle there as you do in your profile.
Understand the thing about disposables though. I picked one up on Saturday to take pics of the Waterfall festival. Didn't get much of those, nor of the walk home.
Have it upstairs on my bureau just waiting for the leaves in the mountain to start/finish turning.
a lost treasure indeed! The suspense got me a long time ago. I dont' have any more laying around. I took them in years ago.
G, very observant of you! You always gotta have the cam with you n then notice something to shoot. You gotta remember to use all the exposures, few at a time- remember to take it for devel- then pick-up. Very labor n brain intensive...
Hope to see those leaves soon.
Cookie, I thought they'd all been done, but that one was lost in the shuffle of busy- Of course the money n time to get them done helps-
i love that my cell phone has a decent camera so I can take a picture whenever something fancies me too.
well its nice to have old pic "Pal" got some of me when I was a puppy & that's around 10 years ago...
How fun! I'm glad you scored a discount for your troubles! :)
I have a roll of film sitting in my jewelry box. It's been there for years. I'm somewhat afraid to have it developed.
MB, ya can't get the cool shots without the clicker- I'm pretty much going crazy not having it with me on Day Off, cause I'm so spoiled now-
Buddy, I still have puppy pics of RJ n Cinamin on here somewhere. You were a really cute puppy! I tend to like younger me pics too-
IamHJ, Welcome to ESR comments. ya, I was surprized- but it was a hassle, wanted errands over sooner to go get off the sore toes. Get that mystery roll de-mystified, you'll be glad you did!
hehe, love your analogy about a child shaking a present! :) Wonderful pics -- so much fun for you, I'm sure, to rediscover them!
JanF, The Lone- aRanger.. Bada-dump""''""'Hi-o'-Silver, Away~
ThommaLyn, Thanks. I guess some folks still do that as adults, but I learned not to break the goods- It was better than I'd expected.
wow u talk bout old can i have old -mail don't know if u will see this post great shots keep them coming.. love & licks Buddythedoxie
What a fun mystery. What d the old photos show and i am glad you were pleased!
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