Garden Party

The blind-folded white bird
Sings of a grey fox
Masking a bleeding Heart
Muddied in the splatter
Of a green disappearing
As a Butterfly basks
Finding nectar in the
Blue blossoms surrounding
A strange Place
Beyond description...
I get such unique sights when playing with my natural scenes, color effects, n the rotating mirror-
Think I spot a varmint too...
-Did I miss anything?
And did you visit with any old friends at this lovely garden party?
(got that old Rick Nelson song rumbling through my head)
I thought of the same song G did! I always liked that lyric "ya can't please everyone, so you got to please yourself." :)
Reminds me of a kalidescope - all sorts of beauty to be discovered.
I'm with Talon
a kalidescope
of colour
G, "But It's- alright now..." Do love that song! Just what the picture told me, hopefully I get a real one later in the week.
Lynn, I really want to get me a copy of that one on CD! Took awhile to think of a post title this time-
Talon, You wouldn't believe all the time I'm wasting playing with this thing! Got an interesting Kaliedoscope one for the near future. Also, I got a animal story out of the mix-up...
Ellis, I just shifted the Horzontal Center n mirror angle around until I saw the bird- Like one small section of the scope on one cycle. Still hard for me to believe the original!
I love that butterfly in green. And the heart! Cool stuff.
JanF, Thanks- then there's the tiny blue eyes on the critter at the bottom of the diagonal- a groundhog maybe?
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