Sunday, September 06, 2009


Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2009



The lovely Petunia n grass containers outside the Morse hardware/garden center across town were the best looking blossoms I drove past all week. The Bamboo blooms below were proliferating with hundreds of honey bees across the road, of course they were too fast to capture.


My stinging eye is recovering on schedule, tho all allergens encountered are re-irritating it easily, (Such as the Bamboo pollen). I spent half my ride sneezing going to get fuel today, trying not to close my eyes while driving, Ah-choo!


The "Summer's Over Blues" have begun. So many shoppers with kids tonight were out getting school supplies everywhere I went. Parents are gleefully getting the kids back to school, savoring those free hours without whining again. I enjoy having less of a crowd around town, myself.

Have fun at your BBQ's n end of Summer parties...
(Time for my nap...)


Labor Day
... ... Summer ran with the ball
... ... To herald Autumn's fall.
... ... Remind Winter to chill out
... ... Before Spring sprouts back to life.
- by SnaggleTooth
(jotted down with pen on paper Labor Day 07)

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2009


At 8:43 AM, Blogger ... Paige said...

had no idea bamboo bloomed, it looks sneezey-God bless you.

nice poem, I like

At 6:17 PM, Blogger Buddy T. Doxie said...

Bet you were on the way home from the dump,"Pal" & I was up that way yesterday & I did see the flowers... hope the hol-a-day tomorrow is great....

Love & Licks Buddy & family

At 12:37 AM, Blogger TALON said...

Gorgeous blooms! Glad to hear your eye is healing and I hope you're having a wonderful holiday weekend.

At 2:25 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Paige, well, here's the proof. Thanks, n Guezunthiet too-

Buddy, yep, that's where it was! I always like their container arrangements. Wish I had big buckets like theirs. I get to work on the holiday, so does BBM. My nap is my holiday! thanks

Talon, thanks. So far, so good- "those folks" took off to party elsewhere-yay!

At 1:07 PM, Blogger G. B. Miller said...

Nice pic of the petunias.

Was worth the wait of the slow download (outside today, so the signal ain't that strong).

Glad to hear that your eyes are making progress.

At 8:37 PM, Blogger Ellen said...

Love your pictures, and it makes me miss the Cape all the more.

Of course the flowers are some of my all time favorites, and I too wish I had the time and money to make pretty landscapes with all the baskits. This year, as well as last were poor ones for me, and I had to settle for whatever I could get for Mothers Day.... hoping we would not suffer another year of drought. Luckily we had a good amount of rain, and my hiding in the bushes to water was not an issue I had to deal with.

However, I have added about 14 kitties that I feed on a regular basis: 9 outdoor and 5 indoor. The outdoor kitties love the flowers beds for a multitude of reasons.... namely a good bed to nap on, not to mention some reserved for port-a-potty reasons. Saving the flowering plants as well as feeding the growing number of strays seems like a full time job lately.

Sorry to read about your eye problems, and hope they clear up from the allergies soon.

Take care~

At 2:44 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

G, Petunias n the "SuperTunias are this years only local prolific blooms- Thanks. I'm doing slow-load every day on a modem, btw- i know your pain-

Ellen, Thankyou for another visit to ESR comments. It must be difficult to invest time in the flowers after all went dry last summer- I think that place just takes whatever doesn't sell fast enough n puts it in the 20 or so matching buckets along the road- so few people were inspired to pplant this year-
I'm surprized you've replaced "Miss Kitty" with so many needy mouths to feed! I hope they are at least helping out with keeping the rodent population in check-
Yes, my allergies are really getting me this week, not been feeling well at all- thanks

At 4:44 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Am I the only one who pictures Summer as a foot-ball player running for the end-zone?

At 8:57 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

I'm glad to hear that honey bees are around there. Yes - those fall allergens seem to be kicking in - I walked across the freshly mowed grass at mom and dad's yesterday and sneezed so hard over and over I had to take headache medicine. :) Still love this time of year though.

At 2:11 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Lynn, Yes, the bees make me happy, tho I need to avoid them. Also love this time of year. Wonder how bad the allergies would be for me without the pills...!

At 12:30 PM, Blogger Jannie Funster said...

And the worst thing about sneezing is those leprechauns can steal your gold while your eyes are closed.

The flowers of Mom's that were profusing were either all manner of yellow ones or petunias.

When Kelly was 4 or 5 she called them petunsies. I guess from a cross between pansies and petunias.

And because the above 3 paragraphs all seem about the exact same length, here's a fourth for ya!

At 9:02 PM, Blogger Thomma Lyn said...

Love your little poem, Snaggle! And what gorgeous flowers. I'm sorry to hear you're dealing with allergies. They've beset me, too -- happily I've found a balance with allergy meds that help the symptoms but don't make me too much of a med-head.

I didn't know bamboo bloomed, either! Lean something new every day. :)

At 2:59 AM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

JanF, So that's where all my gold went! Yep, I'm right about the blossom observations on this section of the planet (NE North America). I remember freezing my petooties off awhile back- Oh look, matching typographics to enjoy!

ThommaLyn, Glad you enjoyed my little Po revisited for the holiday. Any nouns can be story characters, even fungi! Unfortunately, I'm dependent on Clariton n benedryl to survive the pollen barrage this year- so my head isin't as clear as I'd like. Still sneezing alot tonight again-


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