Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2010 |
. . .
Again it's "911," the day that will cause a tower of grief in my mind forevermore. (But not for Jannie).
Even 9 years later the memories of that day in '01 loom large in the rearview mirror.
In the five years I've been posting on ESR, I actually skipped writing about it two years, '05, n '08.
In 911-2006 I posted an image I'd made in 2001. In 2007 I posted questions n answers in regard to what I was doing that day. Last year I posted flowers.
Image by SnaggleTooth 2001 |
Today this backlit towering cloud pic brings to mind the many explosions n calamities born of terrorism. The enormity of loss, n overwhelming grief for so many lives lost. Otherwise, it may seem like a normal day as I get ready n go to work again. 911 may not have directly taken anyone away from me, but yet I feel the loss, n importance of the event- n bet I always will.
I'll light a candle n pray for the lost souls. I'll get home from work n watch my remembrance 911 videos, n I'll remember how steep the price has been to be an American.
posted by Snaggle Tooth @ 4:15 AM 10 comments
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