Tuesday, June 21, 2005

Wiper Out

well, we're not ready for "Pipeline" the tune yet, but one a those great n not too loud weather days here.
...Went for a ride off-cape today, n on the way back - the wipers , began mal-functioning... How distracting are wipers that won't shut off on a rare, beautiful, sunny day! Grumble, grumble! Of course, did it in the middle of the highway, where I won't pull over to pull the fuse... without the rest area, 'cause too dangerous to open the door beside the 'way lately. Just had same prob fixed in Nov. n happened when started using AC last summer... GGGrrrhhHH, I think the same stuff keeps breaking again and again 'cause the truck knows I don't wanna buy a new one....
But at least it is nice and quiet at home today...


At 7:16 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

I tried to use a wave of ocean color on the text, did u get it?

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Milk Brain said...

ya know, i didn't even notice until you mentioned it. i'm such a goober


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