The way the water appears like dimpled glass in this shot really appeals to me. It was taken the same day as the previous pic, a few minutes later.
I may not get to see any sunshine later today, with the drizzly cloud-cover prevailing. I'm so beat from working early after previously working late, I could sleep for a week. Then our company's holiday week-end orders are going to be a mile deep, so everyone gets to either go in earlier or way later, then they'll all feel as bad as I do today.
Also not helping, I've caught the achy-bug thing going around this week, add-on the pollen head-ache n being dizzy from allergies, n I'm not up to the summer kick-off party at all! Maybe the neighbors won't be really loud yet n let me get some rest, but that would be unusual...
A big MAP-truck parked on the bamboo where the ball was hiding the other day. I wonder if I'll find it flat this week. I don't have any other plans this week-end, besides chores n trying not to spend any money again.
Back in the old days, I remember my mother insisting I attend a BBQ at her place every year on Memorial Day. Then we'd all walk down a few blocks from her house for the big, loud parade, with marching bands, muskets getting fired off, n the Elvis impersonator on the float. My ears always hurt after that! I had never imagined that I'd learn to cherish those memories, n that the yearly ritual would suddenly cease with the passing of my mother. I haven't gone to a parade in years.
Now I get to work most of the week-end, n just want to sleep!
Enjoy your BBQ's!
Nice pic. & that achy-bug well I have clawes for that.....
yep miss the old day's You should drop over and see "Pal" and the rest of us,me I wish the sun would come out so I can lay out in the sun...& get a dog tan,miss you ... Buddy
I posted on my blog today......
May you find peace in relaxing this weekend.
good luck with teh tourists this weekend! atleast the 'Ham still has a parade. My town doesn't.. I don't think anyway
Buddy, thanks. I haven't had 2 days off in a row in over 6 months, which is why. One of these days I'll be over-
I want a tan, too!
Xray, thank you- wish I had it off of work-
MB, It's beginning to gear-up around here. Haven't seen a a town parade since you marched in it!
(Happy Day 2U)
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