Monday, August 15, 2005


Splosh!spish!AaahhhHHH! The joyous feeling of icy water temps kicked down here by hurricane swells at the beach in Marshfield on the toes. I swear it was so hot Saturday, if I hadnta a been there, chillin the blood down, I woulda melted like the witch o the West in Wiz o OZ!
... Thanks Bro (U know who U R) for use of the location.What a good beach day we had. Good to see the grand-babies. Perfect heat timing. Lots of waves and sand castle wrecking and that chilly H2O, was worth the trip. I didn't jump all the way in, like the brave whippersnappers, though. Feet got numb too quickly, didn't wanna get in n totally seize up... was that cold.
... Sunday went to a care bear pahty, Big Jas turned 3. We jumped in the pond across town after the pahty. I told her that was a big bathtub she had there... seemed so warm in there...

My Fav ocean beach I usually go to across town, on the south side of the cape, is influenced by the Gulf Stream current, and also tends to be very warm (for ocean) in August. Marshfield is a-ways north of the cape, and the water-temp now seems reminiscent of times I went ocean swiming near Portland Maine, when a long-wet-suit is definately in order! It's A few degrees cooler than my last few visits when I did get all the way in.

Now, Monday, we got 65 - 70 for today, feels so great to not be Muggy-uggy! Past few nights 've been so diff to sleep, so hot. I'll take advantage of the coolness to cook everything I can think of before it gets too hot to turn on the stove again. - In the past 2 months I think I've cooked dinner food maybe 3 times, cause once the heat's in here, it doesn't leave (upstairs). Hours of fans in the window (naughty electric no-no, gotta get 'em outa there if it rains/lightening) even without the cooking doesn't cool it down. At least the loud people aren't here this week, so I can feel free to open up windows n doors I usually hafta close to shut out the sound of rudeness.
Yay, it finally rained here this am.! No carrying water buckets for the plants 1st time in weeks. We didn't get the severe storms reported elsewhere in the state.
... Well, I'd better go get cookin 'for it heats up again!


At 11:08 PM, Blogger Milk Brain said...

thank god for the beach, we had a great time relaxing and spending time with the family.

we got slammed with thunderstorms sunday night. a bunch of the area was without power... one that struck nearby scared evan a little while we were watching the storm from the porch.... he cried for about half a second and then was ok. we decided we better go inside... then it just rained for a while after the storm past... finally.

At 1:20 AM, Blogger flleenie said...

Going to Marshfield...I read about ya'll going there the other day... Carol and I went out Wednesday night, talked about it. We miss ya'll!!!!


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