The new Blogger Interface is still driving me nuts. The pic caption feature has done away with the hover-note function. I can't get back to the non-html edit box when I try to insert the code. Then the caption text refuses to go flush left n always has to be centered text alignment, so this has me involuntarily formatting posts badly in my opinion.
I'm unable to get the text beside the pics where I actually want it. Text has to go in the caption to get next to the pic for sure. I truelly hate centered text!
I wish I could get ESR to appear as it had for years, but until I get a speedier way to use internet, my hands are tied n I can't stand it! I went to college n studied page design, typography, n pic placement, so I'm extra sensitive to not getting it where I intend to place it. I'm wasting alot of time trying tho.
My house water problems still aren't all solved.. I just spent days clearing out stuff from under the kitchen sink

I sat ontop of a large jette rock n decompressed the stress in seconds watching in the vast space n quietude. It's always worth the trip...
Many pretty pics to share-
Same place,
same sunset,
different angles,
different minutes...
(I'm still wondering if the text will stay next to pics I want it to when I hit "Publish? Another grand experiment).
I use that "preview" button a lot - it shows spacing issues, etc. And things have gone better with the new blogger since I downloaded Google Chrome. So much better on the formatting, etc.
Love those pics - I felt peaceful just looking at them. Waves rolling in - beautiful.
you can try widening the center box in the template editor, because it's actually fairly narrow. I actually find the newer blogger easier, but I have a faster computer & internet which makes a huge difference.
Glad you got out to LH!!
Lynn, on mine when I go to preview it won't go back to the edit window again- the browser just goes blank, n I have to start a half-hour process to re-boot n get back there again. I have no disk space for downloads, n slow connection would make it hours long. Time has been my enemy recently. Thanks for the advice anyway, will follow it when I get to upgrade. Doesn't help that BBMs fast machine with chrome died recently too. I'd wanted to try edit at her place...
MB, thanks I get an error flag on the expandable edit box. I hate that it all is geared toward newer machines. I found I had to leave that huge space in the post or the text wouldn't stay next to the pics I was trying for-
one of these days we should set you up with online storage (for free!) with or google or microsoft live. That way you wont' ever have to worry about losing your things, like pictures, if and when your computer dies.
Also you might be able to install your favorite programs onto a flash drive (aka thumb drive) and runt he programs from that instead of your hard drive. Then you can carry them around with you and you won't lose them.
Freeing up the space will help a bunch, but I bet you could also use more RAM. Because you have an older machine your probably don't have a whole lot of it which can seriously cripple a computer these days. Many new computers come with 4GB of RAM, and I bet you have 1GB or less- most likely less. As a result your computer just can't handle alot of what's out there :(
I love Chrome. and I'm the reason why it's on the computer at BBM's house! lol I like that it opens much faster than firefox, and doesn't need to update something everytime I open it. I can also log in with my google account and get all of my bookmarks at any computer I use!
MB, Nice new portrait shot! Good advice, thanks. I really should back-up everything! I have some flash drives, but only put some pics on them so far. I have at least 10gb of pics on this machine. Time consuming to go thru them all n pick out a few...
Chrome does sound alot more fun. I just don't have the time to sift thru so much stuff here the slow way it is- I hope your BBQ party is fun, looks like it may be rainy a bit-
Keep sharing such ideas in the future as well. This was actually what I was looking for, and I am glad to came here! Thanks for sharing the such information with us.
Extenze Ingredients
hi Frank, Glad you like my discontent with the new Blogger program. I'm sure it's almost as helpful as the Extenze ads on your site. They're almost as good as the PayDay Loan ads too, which contain indecipherable bad English.
Good luck with the Ads...
Note: There are NO ADS on ESR!
Oops I always centre my text!!
I'm okay with the new look but I'm using a mac and Safari so maybe that helps too.
I hope you get the Blogger snafus sorted out. They do seem to like always changing things, don't they?
Hope the kitchen fawcetts are right now, too?
LLcoolJ, I only like centered text for some poetry. On the caotion it drives me nuts! Apparently old IE that I'm using just isin't cutting it. Safari has good reports-
JanF, I can't upgrade without disk space n blogger has really messed me up this time, n wasting alot of my time! No the sink is still waiting for more bux...
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