
Work orders have been off the chart for days now, n my legs are throbbing as I'm sitting here, having worked many extra hours. Hopefully, it won't be this wild again until the 4th of July-
The R's next door are down to celebrate, n so are a few thousand more adding to the store lines n traffic. The line to get the boats into the bay at the ramp outside the window is constant, n kayaks are out in force in the warmer weather this week.

It all makes me want the week-end off too!
But really, this day is all about honoring all those who died defending the USA, so we are still a free nation. It was a huge cost to pay.

I'll miss the parade, the little flags at the cemetary, n "Taps" on the trumpet by the town memorial where the local names lives lost are engraved.
But I won't forget... to appreciate them.
I hope that those who do attend celebrations and parades today will remember to salute when the flag passes.
Good photos for this day of remembrance. I hope all those kayakers remember what today is really all about.
Gran Annie, It's crazy how many young folks don't even know they're supposed to- They don't really understand what it stands for these days.
Tabor, thanks- I had a tough time deciding. None would be kayaking carefree without those who made personal freedom possible-
The little town where my sister's mountain house is had some sort of celebration on Saturday. Louise from The Garden Shoppe said I just missed it. There was a parade and everything, but I still thought about how grateful I am to those who died for us.
Re your note on what you do each day...sounds like lots of physical activity. I think you need to work in some yoga into you schedule to balance the muscles that you are developing. You need to work on body symmetry which should help your back.
Lynn, As usual your heart n thoughts were in the right place- plus you were traveling again! Hopre you had a good holiday week-end
Tabor, yep, I do get in alot of activity- I'm amazed that I can. Too bad time is such an issue for me. Good idea- Actually I should be sleeping now...
None of us should forget those people who lost their lives so we now have the freedom we do today.
Nice post.
Hope you've had time to catch your breath, Snaggle.
I'm so delighted because my son is home on leave from Afghanistan and we'll be seeing him this weekend. Then he'll be back heading back June 15th and will be there until November.
So much gratitude for those who have given the ultimate sacrifice and so much respect for those who continue to put their lives on the line.
Those little parades and local celebrations can be very fun. I didn't go to one this year either.
We are very lucky to have the freedom we do indeed.
oh East Coast Summer!
Enjoy your weekend!
Aloha from Waikiki
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
LLcoolJ, exactly the point! So many younger folks forget all about the why the holiday. Thanks.
Talon, welcome back! Actually, I'm not recovered from those huge orders yet. We had a promo going for this week-end too. 2 more OT nights, n didn't even get online yesterday-
Glad your Son is on leave n has time for visiting- hope he has a great time before going back to the desert. Hope he feels appreciated for his service.
JanF, when my girls were in Marching Band in school we always attended n took part in ceremonies here. When I was young, our Girl Scout troop always took part also. Now it's a shame that work gets in the way.
Cloudia, Aloha way over in the Pacific! We've waited a long time for the summer season, as you remember from your East Coast resident days- such a distant memory from your current tropical location, isin't it? Thanks
I DID comment on this. Maybe I'm not as behind with blogging as I feel? :)
Work suks. We'll have to march in our minds and night dreams I guess.
JanF, I was forced to slow bloggy way down this week- Hope I'm back up to speed soon!
I daydream! Sleep all day after working all night- As long as I'm dreaming, I could play the trumpet too!
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