Thursday, September 10, 2015

Empty Wharf

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2015

Well I'd been planning a local dentist search sometime this week anyhow, but put a rush on it when the whole side of my face started throbbing as I awoke hours ahead of schedule on very hot heat wave Day Off-Vaca #2.

I rushed out to an office near the wharf in the Center of town, n got a couple of teeth pulled. Plenty more to follow in the next few months, but what a relief to get that sharp nerve pain out-

Image by SnaggleTooth Sept 2015

Had the cam out for a few pics while I waited there by the water a bit before heading to the pharmacy n back to the toasty house. Got an inexpensive Italian ice to use as an ice pack, n took it easy all day instead of the bike-ride n sorting stuff I was going to do before those teeth demanded priority...

Would've been a perfect Beach Day too... Now showers are expected the next few days n I don't know if I'll ever get there- but I'll keep it on the "Trying to do" list.

Photo by SnaggleTooth Sept 2015

The rain is pouring with lightning out there, n I may yet get to the library to post this week. Seems blogland has slowed down to a crawl this summer, but at least I'm able to keep up on my reading!  


At 4:04 PM, Blogger desk49 said...

a teeth here
a tooth there
I'm glad no more
do you feel the pain

on the water
do you get to play
even on those
rainy days

At 5:07 PM, Blogger Tabor said...

Awful to have to spend your vacation having teeth pulled. But teeth are a BIG problem for health so keep up the oral hygiene as it can impact all ofyou.

At 9:33 AM, Blogger Lynn said...

So sorry about the teeth and toothache! Beautiful photo -

At 10:58 PM, Blogger Erica B said...

Glad to hear you are finally taking care of those pesky teeth! I hope you are feeling better!

here are a few of my favorite blogs to read - Actor/writer- you would know him for being Wesley on ST:TNG, wrtier/funny lady Wil's Wife, also funny, awkward and loves animals work/job related posts/advice/help. I frequent here and comment semi-regularly.

At 2:42 PM, Blogger LL Cool Joe said...

Ouch toothache is no fun at all. So will you have the teeth replaced with implants or just go without? I was at the dentist today too.

At 12:22 AM, Blogger Jannie Funster said...

Glad you've been reading!! Such a great pass time and escape into amazing worlds.

And what a beautiful dock.

Yay, tooth aches gone now. Yay, yay, yay!!

I'm into our busy gymnastics fund-raising season now, but have not forgotten blogland and you. Will resurface again in a few weeks, with a singing video, me that is.


At 4:00 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Ellis, We played with almost 5 inches of rain! We're otherwise still in a drought here... n Plenty more teeth to go!

Tabor, I've never actually done vaca stuff on vaca anyhow- too much catch up! Well, at least I didn't have to cancel a trip-
I thank peppermint schnapps n Listerine for my ability to deal with the teeth need to come out faster thing. Thanks

Lynn, Thanks, I put them off far too long I guess.

MB, Still have some bugging me- but those were pounding.
Thanks for the links!

LLcoolJ, I'm going without until all that need to go are out. I had a bridge, but can't use it anymore. Luckily I don't have a public job... May take a few months to get new ones. I know how you are about the doc visits! Thanks

Jannie, A nice, empty dock because no one is out on the water on a workday morning... OOooo I'll be sure to get headphones at the desk for that! Thanks

At 7:57 PM, Blogger Granny Annie said...

I have been absent for a while and I'm sorry to hear about your tooth. But I love your altered pictures!

At 4:22 PM, Blogger Snaggle Tooth said...

Gran Annie! Welcome back to ESR n blogging in general! Thanks- Hope you like the next ones too!


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